Center Staff Honored with Research Awards from AASP | Center for Sport Psychology and Athlete Mental Health
June 12, 2024

Center Staff Honored with Research Awards from AASP

Simon Wright (2nd year doctoral student) and Macey Arnold (5th year doctoral student) will receive research awards at the 2024 conference for the Association of Applied Sport Psychology (AASP). Simon is being awarded the Ken Ravizza Student Travel Conference Award - the top scored student abstract submitted at the AASP 2024 conference. Simon will receive a check of $1,000 USD to cover any travel expenses to attend the conference in Las Vegas.

Macey is the winner of The Sport Psychologist Young Researcher Award. The AASP Foundation offers a scholarship for graduate students or early career scholar members who wish to attend the AASP 2024 Annual Conference to present their work. Macey will receive $1,000 USD sponsored by Human Kinetics. Congratulations Simon and Macey!