Coaches and Leaders | Center for Sport Psychology and Athlete Mental Health

Coaches and Leaders

As a coach or leader of a team, business, or organization, you understand the challenges associated with developing an effective, cohesive unit. You know that your level of mental toughness and readiness to compete can strongly influence how your athletes respond during competitions and to the stress of training. You also know the pressure that comes with being a leader who has the sole responsibility for creating a winning unit. If you find that you are not performing at your best, are not as effective in how you are communicating with and developing your team, or are lacking the motivation or enjoyment you used to have in your role as coach, you may benefit from working with one of our sport psychology consultants.

As a coach and leader, you have accepted the responsibility for creating a training environment that fosters athletic development and produces success in your competitive arena. Being a coach has many rewards, but it also comes with many stressors and challenges…one being the limited number of people who understand your responsibilities and challenges and who are in a position to assist you in reaching your goals. Our Center faculty, all of whom have been coaches at one time in their careers, have the knowledge and skills to assist you in (a) raising the level of cohesion and consistency on your team, (b) improving your communication with your players and staff, (c) developing your coaching philosophy and approach to training, (d) defining and reaching your personal and performance goals, and (f) increasing your enjoyment in the area to which you have dedicated your life. There are two primary ways to help you in these areas: (1) Workshops and Skills Clinics that can be arranged for small groups of coaches, or (2) Individual Meetings where you work one-on-one with a sport psychology consultant to discuss the issues that are important to you.

Clinics are interactive presentations that provide in depth knowledge and experience with a wide range of key sport psychology skills and strategies as they apply to effective leadership, working with constituents (e.g., players, parents, subordinates), and improving communication and your team's performance.

Although many important coaching strategies and skills can be learned through clinics and other group presentations, some coaches/leaders prefer working individually with a sport psychology consultant. Through our Center, we are able to offer one-on-one meetings with a sport psychology consultant that are individualized to fit your needs as a leader.