The UNT Center for Sport Psychology and Athlete Mental Health's faculty and graduate students maintain active research programs.
The UNT Center for Sport Psychology and Athlete Mental Health's faculty and graduate students maintain active research programs.
In conducting research, our purpose is to (a) add new knowledge and understanding to specific areas of study, and (b) translate what we learn into new and more effective ways of providing services to the athletes, coaches and parents with whom we work.
Along with maintaining active research programs, the Center's faculty and graduate students seek to publish their findings in scientific journals and popular magazines to share what they have learned with other sport psychology professionals, students, and sport participants.
Presentations provide us with the opportunity to share our research findings and ideas with (a) other professionals in order to stimulate new thinking and (b) athletes, coaches, parents, and other sport personnel to help them learn new information and improve their performances.
Impact of COVID-19 on College Student Athletes' Health, Performance, and Psychological Well-Being - Released July 8, 2020
Physical therapy is standard for post-ACL surgical rehabilitation, though such protocols normally do NOT address directly athletes' psychological responses to the injury, surgery, and recovery.
The Center for Sport Psychology and Athlete Mental Health supports much of its research program through grants from a variety of external agencies and organizations. The Center has received multiple grants from the NCAA and AASP, as well as funding from NASPE.
The Relationship Between Psychosocial Correlates and Bulimic Symptomatology in Retired
Female Athletes
Researchers: Stephanie Barrett, M.S., Trent A. Petrie, PhD
-Supported by a Grant from the National Collegiate Athletic Association