Along with maintaining active research programs, the Center's faculty and graduate students seek to publish their findings in scientific journals and popular magazines to share what they have learned with other sport psychology professionals, students, and sport participants. We invite you to review the Center's recent publications.
Current Publications (2014 to Present):
Arnold, M., & Petrie, T. A. (in press). Multicultural Training and Program Climate in Master's Degree Sport Psychology Programs. The Sport Psychologist.
Beebe, K., Petrie, T. A. (in press). On the Frontline of Athlete Mental Health: The Mental Health Literacy of NCAA Coaches. The Sport Psychologist.
Shander, K., Petrie, T. A., & Moore, E. W. (in press). Retired College Student Athletes' Psychological Well-Being: A Prospective Analysis. Journal of Loss and Trauma.
Chu, T. L., & Treacy, A., Moore, E. W. G., Petrie, T. A., Albert, E., & Zhang, T. (in press). Intersectionality matters: Gender, race/ethnicity, and sport level differentiate perceived coach-created motivational climates and psychological needs. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology. Advance online publication.
Guillot, C., Moore, E. W., & Petrie, T. A. (in press). Drinking among College Student Athletes during the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Journal of American College Health.
Petrie, KA, Messman, BA, Moore, EWG, Slavish, DC, Petrie, TA (in press). Sociodemographic differences in sleep disturbances among college athletes during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal for the Study of Sports and Atheltes in Education.
Albert, E., Petrie, T. A., & Moore, E.W. (in press). Achievement Motivation and Grit's Perseverance of Effort Among Collegiate Athletes. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology.
Harker, J.R. & Petrie, T. A. (in press): What facilitates collegiate athletes seeking mental health care? Athletic trainers' perceptions, Journal of American College Health, DOI: 10.1080/07448481.2023.2208239
Beebe, K. E., Petrie, T. A., Kiefer, H.R., Slavin, L.E., & Arnold,.M.L. (in press). Collegiate Athletes' Perceptions of the Connection Between Mental Health and Sport Performance: A Qualitative Investigation. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology.
Arnold, M., Chamber, K., & Petrie, T. (in press). NCAA coaches' perceptions of the inclusion of transgender athletes: A qualitative analysis. Sport, Education, and Society.
Jones, M., Petrie, T., & Moore, E.W (in press). Body satisfaction and disordered eating among Black college women athletes. Journal of Black Psychology.
Petrie, T. A., & Moore, E.W. (2023). Body satisfaction and disordered eating among male collegiate athletes: From point prevalence to prediction. Eating Behaviors, 50 (August), 101783.
Hayes, C., Petrie, T. A., & Moore, E. W. (2023). Athletic Identity and Psychological Distress: The Moderating Roles of Social Support and Self-Compassion. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Atheltes, 16. 108-113
Palmateer, T., Petrie, T. A., & Moore, E. W. (2023). Personality as a Predictor of Hitting and Pitching Performances Among Professional Baseball Players. Jouranal of Athelte Development and Experience, 5(2), Article 2. DOI:
Mikesell, M., Petrie, T.A., Chu, T.S., Moore, E.,W. (2023). The Relationship of Resilience, Self-Compassion, and Social Support to Psychological Distress in Women Collegiate Athletes during COVID-19. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 45(4), 224-233. .
Yoon, J., & Petrie, T. A. (2023). Barriers and Facilitators of College Athletes Seeking Mental Health Services. Journal of Athetic Training, 58(9), 715-721. DOI: 10.4085/1062-6050-0559.22
Petrie, KA, Messman, BA., Slavish, DC., Moore, EW, & Petrie, TA. (2023). Sleep disturbances and depression are bidirectionally associated among college student athletes across COVID-19 pandemic exposure classes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 66, 102393.
Sokoloff, D., Petrie, T. A., & Chu, T.S. (2023). The Relationship of Coach-Created Motivational Climate to Teamwork Behaviors in Female Collegiate Athletes. The Sport Psychologist, 37(1), 40-47.
Drew, M., Petrie, T., & Palmateer, T. (2023). NCAA Athletic Departments' Mental Health Screening Practices: Who, What, When and How. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 17(2), 131-147. Impact Factor = 1.531
Arnold, M., Palmateer, T., & Petrie, T. A. (2023). Sexual Attractions and Boundary Crossings among Sport Psychology Graduate Students and Professionals. Ethics and Behaivior, 33(2), 115-129.
Walsh, A., Petrie, T., Arnold, M., Hayes, C., & Mack, D. (2023). Sport Psychology Training in APA-Accredited Counseling Psychology Programs: There is More Room at the Inn. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 17(3), 288-294.
Slavin, L., Palmateer, T., Petrie, T. A, & Moore, E. W. (2023). Collegiate student-athlete psychological distress and counseling utilization during COVID-19. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 17(1), 72-85.
Kiefer, H., Petrie, T., & Walls, R. (2023). The Transition from Collegiate Sport: An Analysis of the Current Retirement Planning Practices of NCAA Institutions. Journal for the Study of Sports and Atheltes in Education, 17(1), 66-82. DOI: 10.1080/19357397.2021.2013101
Shimits, A. C., Reid, W., Petrie, T. A., Trujillo, N., & Pryor, T. (2022). Eating disorder behaviors and psychological characteristics: A comparison between athletes and nonathletes in a partial hospitalization program. Sport Social Work Journal, 1,104-114.
Barrett, S., Petrie, T., & Voelker, D. (2022). The Body Satisfaction and Psychological Well-Being of Retired Women Athletes: A Long-Term Qualitative Analysis of Bodies in Motion.Body Image, 43, 143-153. Impact Factor = 5.58
Moore, E.W., Petrie, T. A., & Slavin, L. (2022). College student-athletes' COVID-19 worry and psychological distress differed by gender, race, and exposure to COVID-19 related events. Journal of Adolescent Health, 70, 559-566. Impact Factor = 7.397
Cusack, K., Petrie, T. A., Moore, E. W. (2022). Self-compassion, body satisfaction, and disordered eating symptoms in male collegiate athletes: A longitudinal analysis. Body Image, 43, 134-142. Impact Factor = 5.58
Strubel, J., & Petrie, T. A. (2022). Tinder Use, Gender, and the Psychosocial Functioning of Young Adults. The Journal of Social Media in Society, 11, 159-177.
Kiefer, H., Petrie, T., & Walls, R. (2021). The Transition from Collegiate Sport: An Analysis of the Current Retirement Planning Practices of NCAA Institutions. Journal for the Study of Sports and Athletes in Education. Doi: 10.1080/19357397.2021.2013101
Hayslip, B., Petrie, T., Jones, G., MacIntire, M., & Louden, L. (2021). Selection, optimization and compensation: Understanding skilled golf performance and aging. The International Journal of Aging and Human Development. DOI: 10.1177/00914150211056510.
Drew, M., Petrie, T., & Palmateer, T. (2021). NCAA Athletic Departments' Mental Health Screening Practices: Who, What, When and How. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology.
Shander, K., & Petrie, T. (2021). Transitioning from Sport: Life Satisfaction, Depressive Symptomatology, and Body Satisfaction Among Retired Female Collegiate Athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 57 (November), 102045.
Thompson, A., Petrie, T., Carrigan, K., Tackett, B., & Watkins, C. E. (2021). Psychosocial predictors of eating classification in female athletes: From collegiate sport to retirement. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 54(4), 646-651.
Albert, E., Petrie, T. A., & Moore, E. W. G. (2021). The relationship of motivational climates, mindsets, and goal orientations to grit in male adolescent soccer players. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 19(2), 265-278.
Voelker, D. K., Petrie, T. A., Fairhurst, K., & Casanave, K. (2021). "My body loves me, so I should love it back": A qualitative evaluation of the bodies in motion program with female collegiate athletes. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 10(1), 43-58.
Chu, T.L, & Petrie, T. A. (2021). Assessing and maximizing collegiate athletes' psychological skills under constraints: A preseason brief intervention approach. The Sport Psychologist, 35(2), 168-176.
Palmateer, T. M., & Petrie, T. A. (2020). Sexual attractions, behaviors, and boundary crossings between sport psychology professionals and their athlete-clients: Prevalence, attitudes, and supervision. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 33(5), 541-5541-14.
Thompson, A., Petrie, T., Tackett, B., Carrigan, K., & Watkins, C. D. (2020). Eating disorder diagnosis and the female athlete: A longitudinal analysis from college sport to retirement. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 24(6), 531-535.
Lauer, E. E., Dietch, J., Chu, T. L., Barton, M., Martin, S., Petrie, T., Greenleaf, C., & Taylor, D. (2020). Insomnia, psychosocial well-being, and weight control behaviors among healthy-weight adolescent females: Brief Report. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine,
Barrett, S., & Petrie, T. A. (2020). Female Athletes in Retirement: A Test of a Psychosocial Model of Bulimic Symptomatology. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 42(6), 490-499.
Taylor, D. M., Talbot, B., Holmes, E., Petrie, T. A. (2020). Towards a More Inclusive Music Education: Experiences of LGBTQQIAA Students in Music Education Programs Across Texas. Journal of Research in Music Education, 30(1), 11-23.
Walsh, J. A., Petrie, T. A., & Chatterton, J. (2020). The frequency of weigh-ins, weight intentionality and management, and eating among male collegiate athletes. Eating Behaviors, 39,
Clevinger, K., Petrie, T., Greenleaf, C., & Martin, S. (2020). The relationship of sport involvement and gender physical fitness, self-efficacy, and self-concept in middle school students. The Physical Educator, 77(1), 154-172.
Strübel, J., & Petrie, T. A. (2020). Sexual orientation, eating disorder classification, and men's psychosocial well-being. Psychology of Men & Masculinities, 21(2), 190-200.
Voelker, D., Petrie, T., Huang, Q., & Chandran, A. (2019). Bodies in Motion: An Empirical Evaluation of a Program to Support Positive Body Image in Female Collegiate Athletes. Body Image, 28, 149-158.
Tomalski, J., Clevinger, K., Albert, E., Jackson, R., Wartalowicz, K., & Petrie, T. (in press). Mental health screening for athletes: Program development, implementation, and evaluation. Journal of Sport Psychology in Action.
Strubel, J., & Petrie, T. (2019). Appearance and performance enhancement drug usage and psychological well-being in gay and heterosexual men. Psychology and Sexuality, 10, 132-148.
Clevinger, K., Petrie, T., Greenleaf, C., & Martin, S. (in press). The relationship of sport involvement and gender physical fitness, self-efficacy, and self-concept in middle school students. The Physical Educator.
Ramaeker, J., & Petrie, T. (in press). Man up! Exploring intersections of sport participation, masculinity, psychological distress. Psychology of Men and Masculinity.
Chu, A., Martin, S., Petrie, T., & Greenleaf, C. (in press). Relations between sociocultural pressures and weight control behavior among early adolescent boys. Psychology in the Schools.
Lauer, E. E., Martin, S. B., & Zakrajsek, R. A. (2019). iSCORE: Using technology and imagery to enhance performance of closed motor skills. Strategies, 32(3), 19-24. doi: 10.1080/08924562.2019.1584068
Yeatts, P. E., Martin, S. B., & *Farren, G. L. (2019, online). Adolescents' psychological well-being and their perceptions of parental encouragement to control weight. Journal of Family Studies,
Villalon, C., & Martin, S. B. (2019, online). High school coaches' coaching efficacy: Relationship with sport psychology exposure and gender factors. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, doi: 10.1080/10413200.2018.1549620
Lauer, E. E., Zakrajsek, R. A., Fisher, L. A., Bejar, M. P., *McCowan, T., Martin, S. B., & Vosloo, J. (2018). NCAA DII female student-athletes' perception of their sport uniform and body image. Journal of Sport Behavior, 41, 40-63.
Willis, B. L., Leonard, D. S., Barlow, C. E., Martin, S. B., DeFina, L. F., & Trivedi, M. H. (2018). Midlife cardiorespiratory fitness is inversely associated with lower incidence depression and cardiovascular death following depression in later life. JAMA Psychiatry, 75(9), 911-917.
Zakrajsek, R. A., Fisher, L. A., & Martin, S. B. (2018). Certified athletic trainers' experiences with and perceptions of sport psychology services for student-athletes. The Sport Psychologist, 32, 300-310. doi:
Lauer, E. E., Martin, S. B., & Zakrajsek, R. A. (2019). iSCORE: Using technology and imagery to enhance performance of closed motor skills. Strategies, 32(3), 19-24. doi: 10.1080/08924562.2019.1584068
Bader, C. M., & Martin, S. B. (2019). Sport psychology considerations in intercollegiate athletics in the United States. In E. O. Acevedo (Ed.), The Oxford encyclopedia of sport, exercise, and performance psychology, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190236557.013.179
Papathomas, A., Petrie, T. A., Plateau, C. R. (2018). Changes in body image perceptions upon leaving elite sport: The retired female athlete paradox. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 7, 30-45.
Strubel, J., Petrie, T., & Pookulangara, S. (2018). "Like" me: Shopping, self-display, body image and Social Networking Sites. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 7, 328-344.
Strübel, J. & Petrie, T. (2018). Perfect bodies: The relation of gay men's body image to their consumer behaviors. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 22, 114-128
Voelker, D., Petrie, T., Reel, J., & Gould, D. (2018). Frequency and psychosocial correlates of eating disorder symptomatology in male figure skaters. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 30, 119-126
Voelker, D., Petrie, T., Reel, J., & Gould, D. (2017). Frequency and psychosocial correlates of eating disorder symptomatology in male figure skaters. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 30, 119-126.
Yeatts, P. E., Martin, S. B., & Petrie, T. A. (2017). Physical fitness as a moderator of neuroticism and depression in adolescent boys and girls. Personality and Individual Differences, 114, 30-35.
Thompson, A., Petrie, T., & Anderson, C. (2017). Eating Disorders and Weight Control Behaviors Change over a Collegiate Sport Season. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sports, 20, 808-813.
Moles, T., Auerbach, A., & Petrie, T. (2017). Grit Happens: Moderating Effects on Motivational Feedback and Sport Performance. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 29, 418-433.
Strubel, J., & Petrie, T. (2017). Love Me Tinder: Body Image and Psychosocial Functioning Among Men and Women. Body Image, 21, 34-38.
Barton, M., Jackson, A., Martin, S., Morrow, J., Petrie, T., & Greenleaf, C. (2017). Better health-related fitness in youth: Implications for public health guidelines. International Journal of Exercise Science, 10, 379-389.
Plateau, C.R., Petrie, T.A., Papathomas, A. (2017). Exercise attitudes and behaviours among retired female collegiate athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 29, 111-115.
Plateau, C., Petrie, T., & Papathomas, A. (2017). Learning to Eat Again: Intuitive Eating Practices Among Retired Female Collegiate Athletes. Eating Disorders, 25, 92-98.
Galli, N., Petrie, T., & Chatterton, J. (2017). Team Weigh-ins and Self-Weighing: Relations to Body-Related Perceptions and Disordered Eating in Collegiate Male Athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 29, 51-55.
Greenleaf, C., Petrie, T., & Martin, S. (2017). Exploring Weight-Related Teasing and Depression among Overweight and Obese Adolescents. European Review of Applied Psychology, 67, 147-153.
*Yu, A., Nguyen, T., & Petrie, T. (2016). The Jeremy Lin Effect: Being an Asian Sport Psychology Consultant in a Black and White World. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 10, 289-308.
Beck, N., Petrie, T., Harmison, R., & Moore, W. (2017). Parent, Coach, and Peer Created Motivational Climates: Relation to Goal Orientations and Mental Toughness. International Journal of Sport Psychology, 48, 185-205.
Mitchell, S., Petrie, T., Greenleaf, S., & Martin, S. (2017). A Biopsychosocial model of dietary restraint in early adolescent boys. Journal of Early Adolescence, 37, 593-617.
Yeatts PE, Martin SB, Petrie TA, Greenleaf C. (2016).Weight control behavior as an indicator of adolescent psychological well-being. Journal of School Health, 86, 561-567
Sheinbein, S., Petrie, T., Martin, S., & Greenleaf, C. (2016). Psychosocial mediators of the fitness-depression relationship within adolescents. Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 13, 719-725.
Voelker, D., Petrie, T., Neumann, C., & Anderson, C. (2016). Psychosocial factors as longitudinal predictors of bulimic symptomatology among female collegiate athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 26, 123-129.
Tackett, B., Petrie, T., & Anderson, C. (2016). The Frequency of Weigh-ins, Weight Intentionality and Management, and Eating Among Female Collegiate Athletes. Eating Behaviors, 23, 82-85.
Moles., T., Petrie, T., & Watkins, C. (2016). Sexual and Nonsexual Boundary Violations between Sport Psychology Professionals and their Client-Athletes. Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 47,
Strubel, J., & Petrie, T. (2016). 'Bout time! Renegotiating the body in roller derby. Sex Roles, 74, 347-360.
*Carrigan, K., Petrie, T., & Anderson, C. (2015). To Weigh or Not to Weigh? Relation to Disordered Eating Attitudes and Behaviors Amongst Female Collegiate Athletes. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology.
Strubel, J., & Petrie, T. (2016). The Clothes Make the Man: The Relation of Sociocultural Factors and Sexual Orientation to Appearance and Product Involvement. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Sciences. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 33, 1-7.
Ramaeker, J., & Petrie, T. (2015). Athletic Trainers' perspectives on sport psychology: Professional roles, training, and referrals. The Sport Psychologist, 29, 278-287.
Galli, N., Petrie, T. A., Greenleaf, C., Reel, J., & Carter, J. (2015). Psychosocial predictors of drive for
muscularity in male collegiate athletes. Body Image, 14, 62-66.
Ruggero, C.J., Petrie, T., Sheinbein, S., Greenleaf, C. & Martin, S. (2015). Cardiorespiratory fitness may help in protecting against depression among middle school adolescents. Journal of Adolescent Health. 57, 60-65.
Greenleaf, C., Petrie, T., & Martin, S. (2015). Biopsychosocial correlates of dietary intent in middle school girls eating behaviors. Eating Behaviors. 18, 143-146.
Marczyk, K.D., Taylor, D.J., Petrie, T.A., Martin, S.B., Greenleaf, C., Dietch, J.R., & Ruiz, J.M. (2015). Adolescent Sleep Disparities: Gender and Racial/Ethnic Differences. Sleep Health, 1, 36-39.
Srikanh, S., Petrie, T. A., Greenleaf, C., & Martin, S. (2015). The relationship of physical fitness, self-beliefs, and social support to the academic performance of middle school boys and girls. Journal of Early Adolescence. 35, 353-377.
Atkins, M., Johnson, D., Force, E., & Petrie, T. (2015). Peers, Parents, and Coaches, Oh My! The Relation of the Motivational Climate to Boys' Intention to Continue in Sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 16, 170-180.
Galli, N., Petrie, T., Greenleaf, C., Reel, J., & Carter, J. (2014). Personality and psychological correlates of eating disorder symptoms among male collegiate athletes. Eating Behaviors, 15, 615-618.
Papathomas, A., & Petrie, T. (2014). Towards a more sophisticated approach to eating disorders in sport research. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15, 675-679.
Petrie, T., Galli, N., Greenleaf, C., Reel, J., & Carter, J. (2014). Psychosocial correlates of bulimic symptomatology among male athletes. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 15, 680-687.
Petrie, T., Deiters, J., & Harmison, R. (2014). Mental toughness, social support, and athletic identity: Moderators of the life stress - injury relationship in collegiate football players. Sport, Exercise, & Performance Psychology, 3, 13-27.
Tucker, J. S., Martin, S. B., Morrow, J. R., Jr., Jackson, A. W., Greenleaf, C. A., & Petrie, T. A. (2014). Relations between sedentary behavior and FITNESSGRAM® Healthy Fitness Zone achievement and physical activity. Journal of Physical Activity & Health, 11, 1006-1011.
Galli, N., Petrie, T., Petrie, T., Chatterton, J., & Baghurst, T. (2014). Assessing the validity of the Weight Pressures in Sport Scale for Male Athletes. Psychology of Men & Masculinity, 15, 170-180.
Hayslip, B., & Petrie, T. (2014). Age, psychological skills, and golf performance: A prospective investigation. The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences, 69, 245-249.
Greenleaf, C. A., Petrie, T. A., & Martin, S. B. (2014). The relationship of teasing and adolescents' psychological and physical well-being. Journal of School Health, 84, 49-55.