Welcome to the UNT Center for Sport Psychology and Athlete Mental Health website.
I appreciate you taking this opportunity to learn more about our Center and the work
we do at the university and in the community. The Center for Sport Psychology is a
national leader in (a) providing services to athletes, coaches and teams, (b) educating
future sport psychologists as well as current coaches and sport administrators, (c)
conducting research with exercisers and sport participants, and (d) working with the
community, such as youth sport programs, to make sport a more enjoyable and meaningful
experience. Simply put, our mission is to help you reach your performance goals, whatever
they may be, and find passion in what you do.
I encourage you to take some time to become familiar with our services and the resources that are available to you in our website. You can learn more about (a) the sport psychology services that we can provide to athletes, coaches, teams, and other performers, (b) the sport psychology educational opportunities that are available through UNT, (c) our ongoing sport psychology research projects at the university and in the community, and (d) the sport psychology resources that we have developed for athletes, coaches, teams, and parents, and made available to you in this site. If you have any questions about our work, please feel free to contact us via email (sportpsych@unt.edu) or phone 940-369-7767.