e) Who is a "qualified" Sport Psychologist? | Center for Sport Psychology and Athlete Mental Health

e) Who is a "qualified" Sport Psychologist?

e) Who is a "qualified" Sport Psychologist?

Currently, there are three sources of information on credentialing and professional status within sport psychology. The first is the Certified Mental Performance Consultant (CMPC), AASP (https://appliedsportpsych.org/) that is offered through the Association for Applied Sport Psychology. The second is membership in the United States Olympic Committee Sport Psychology Registry (https://www.teamusa.org/Team-USA-Athlete-Services/Medical/Mental-Health). The third is the sport psychology proficiency statement that has been published by Division 47 (Sport & Exercise Psychology) of the American Psychological Association (https://www.apadivisions.org/division-47/about/sport-proficiency/index). Each organization, and their respective credential or process, provides information regarding the status of professionals working in sport psychology, including the desired level of training and/or experience.

To find a qualified sport psychology consultant, you can visit the AASP website (AASP Consultant Finder), which has a directory of specialists in the field with their respective service areas. You also may want to consider working with a sport psychologist who is a licensed psychologist because that professional would have a broader understanding of interpersonal issues affecting your performance and may be in the best position to help you reach your goals. When you contact the sport psychologist, ask them specific questions concerning their training, background, and interests as well as if they believe they will be able to help in addressing your concerns.

Sport psychology fees can vary across the U.S. Like other service professionals, fees may range from $100.00 or more per session. Fees for long-term consultations with athletic or sport organizations generally are determined based on services provided and length of contract.